Program Summary

The Alba Music Festival Composition Program takes place in Alba, Italy, nestled in the foothills of the Alps, during the annual Alba Music Festival. For a little over one week at the end of each May, a select group of eight to fourteen composition fellows, chosen by a rotating panel of composers, descend on this small, picturesque Italian town, to work one-on-one with a distinguished composition faculty, composer(s)-in-residence, guest artists, and have their music performed and professionally recorded by a top-flight ensemble-in-residence.

  • Participants receive one-on-one private composition lessons with the resident faculty and Composer(s)-In-Residence. Additional lessons may also be available, time permitting, with any of our visiting composers and guest artists

  • Each afternoon, workshops and masterclasses are led by the composition faculty, the Composer(s)-In-Residence, visiting composers, guest artists, and performers. These sessions focus on a variety of topics, ranging from issues of craft, professional career planning, and much more.

  • Each participant is invited to submit one original composition for the resident ensemble. This work may be entirely new or a pre-existing work for the forces of our resident ensemble (or a subset). All participant works are premiered as part of the Alba Music Festival on a series we call Wet Ink.

  • One of the most valuable things for any composer is a high-quality recording and this is one of the cornerstones of our program: each participant will have their work professionally recorded in a dedicated session held after the premiere performances. These sessions will be coordinated in consultation with the program participants,  the musicians, and resident faculty. Each participant will receive an edited, twenty-four (24) bit stereo master of their music approximately one month after the completion of the festival. In addition, the unedited ProTools session files may be made available on request. These recordings may be used for any purpose with the exception of a commercial release (this could be arranged on separate agreement with the ensemble)

  • All participants will have complimentary, reserved seating at each of the evening Alba Music Festival concerts, as well as invitations to select, special events. We also include a complimentary tour of an area winery, complete with a  wine tasting hosted by a local sommelier

  • All alumni of the Alba Composition Program are eligible to apply for a paid commission to compose a new work for a premiere as part of a  future Alba Festival. In 2017, the first Alba Alumni Commission was awarded to 2016 alumnus, Jonathan Posthuma. Awards have since been given to Benjamin Webster, Jesse Edwards,  Nicky Sohn,  Badie Khaleghian, Nicolas Aguia, and Sebastian Suarez-Solis.  

A Typical Day in Alba

Each day in Alba is filled with music and fellowship. Mornings consist of rehearsals and/or private composition lessons with the faculty. Typically we break for lunch at noon, followed by a mid-afternoon composition masterclasses and workshops held in the Campus Center. Afterward there is time for additional lessons, rehearsals, or simply rest.

Alba Music Festival afternoon concerts are usually scheduled at 5:30 pm, followed by a break for an evening meal. At 9:00 pm, the Alba Music Festival evening concert usually takes place, often followed by socializing over wine and/or a late dinner (and, of course, gelato!).

Facilities: The Alba Campus, Music School, Beppe Fenoglio Hall 

Composition masterclasses and workshops are held in a recently remodeled classroom located in an important historical building. This building, known as the Alba Campus Center, also houses the administrative offices of the festival. During the day, participants will have access to this building, which contains several practice rooms with pianos, computers, and free high-speed WiFi. Private lessons are held in the Alba Campus Center, or in one of the practice rooms or rehearsal spaces of the local music school which, houses a remodeled multipurpose hall named after Beppe Fenoglio, a famous 20th-century Italian author and native of the region. 

The Alba Campus main classroom
The interior of Beppe Fenoglio Hall

2025 TUITION: €3,195

​​The tuition includes all elements of the program as detailed above. An all-inclusive meal and accommodation plan is also available (see below).

We also offer auditor options for those who wish to attend the festival and take part in the workshops and masterclasses but do not need or want a performance and recording of their music. Auditors will have access to the Alba Campus Center, priority seating at evening concerts, have access to runouts and other special events as part of the Alba Music Festival. Auditors do not qualify for financial aid. No application is required but space is limited.

Program Auditor: €595

Program Auditor (with lessons): €995

Refund Policy:​ Any payments made to the program are fully refundable if a request to withdraw from the program has been made on or before February 1, 2025. After this date, payments received are non-refundable due to the advanced preparation and commitments made on behalf of the participant. An exception to this would be unforeseen circumstances (i.e. "Act of God", natural or otherwise) which causes the festival and/or the composition program to be postponed or canceled, in which case all monies paid toward the program would be refunded in full.

Housing, Meals, and Transportation

Alba is easily accessed by the major hub of Turin (Torino). Milan, while father away, is also an option for routing in and out of town.

We are able to offer a discounted, all-inclusive package for room and board as an option for our program participants while in Alba. The plan is administeed by the Alba Music Festival and covers housing at a local bed and breakfast located in an old seminary right in the heart of Alba and a meal package which provides lunches and dinners during your residency. The plan also includes a round-trip transfer to Alba from Turin by private car/van.

Participants are not required to enroll in this plan and we are happy to assist those who wish to make their own arrangements. 

To learn more, please visit our Housing and Meals page.

Add-On Workshops and Options

Electronic Music Production MiniCamp

In 2021 we partnered with Slam Academy and faculty member J Anthony Allen to offer an intensive electronic and electroacoustic music production mini-camp. featuring creative production tools Ableton Live, Max4Live, and Max/MSP. This is an optional add-on for accepted composition fellows at a substantially discounted rate or may be elected as a standalone package for anyone. Seats, however, are limited.

Music Business and Entrepreneurship Workshop

Dr. Allen also leads an optional add on consisting of a two session workshop on the business of being a composer and music creator. The workshop is open for everyone and will be customized to various needs depending on the registrants.