Financial Aid

Details and Eligibility

Limited aid is available to students who are enrolled at least part-time in a college or university music program, with exception of the Julia Perry award and the Alba Assistantships which are open to everyone.

​Our awards bear the names of four late American composers: David Stock (undergraduate award), a prolific composer and tireless supporter and advocate of fellow composers, especially those who were young and in the emerging stages of a career, Leslie Bassett (graduate award), a Pulitzer-prize winning composer who was a beloved teacher and mentor for a number of generations of composers at the University of Michigan, Julia Perry, a mid-twentieth century composer and musical pioneer, and William Thomas McKinley (alumni commission), a formidable jazz pianist and prolific composer of nearly 400 works, former teacher of composition and jazz studies at the New England Conservatory of Music and the University of Chicago.

While we would love to fund every applicant, at this time our program is tuition-driven, with a small amount of additional support from the William Thomas McKinley Foundation for American Music. Typically our awards range from $150 to $500. The assistantships come with nominal duties that may include assisting the program director with administrative and technical work (recording concerts, social media, etc.). If you are interested and eligible for one or more of these awards, you may declare so on your application.

The David Stock Undergraduate Award

  • A single award open to applicants who are students enrolled at least part-time in undergraduate music study at an accredited US-based institution (college or university). 

  • Award: Up to $350

Julia Perry

The Julia Perry Fellowship

  • A single merit-based award open to all applicants regardless of educational status. 

  • Award: $500

Leslie Bassett

The Leslie Bassett Graduate Award

  • A single award open to applicants who are students enrolled at least part-time in graduate music study at an accredited US-based institution (college or university). 

  • ​Award: Up to $500

The Alba Festival Assistantship

  • Open to all applicants who are willing/able to do some small work for the program before and during the festival. Duties might include social media coordination, archival audio recordings of concerts and workshops, and general support of the director and program guests while in Alba. More than one award may be given.

  •  Award: Up to $500

The William Thomas McKinley Alumni Commission

  • A yearly commission for a new work to be premiered at the Alba Festival awarded to one of the past composition fellows. Alumni apply in October of each year as part of an internal call. 

  • Award: Commission to compose a new work. The commission amount is variable each year.

William Thomas McKinley