Composition Faculty


Michael Schelle

Michael Schelle's music has been commissioned and performed by orchestras, symphonic bands and professional chamber ensembles across the US and abroad including the Chicago Symphony, Minnesota Orchestra, Detroit Symphony, Buffalo Philharmonic, Milwaukee Symphony, Louisville Orchestra, Asian Cultural Symphony Orchestra of New York (Carnegie Hall), Cincinnati Symphony, St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, Cleveland Chamber Symphony, Manhattan Chamber Orchestra, XTET (Los Angeles), Pittsburgh New Music Ensemble, Bargemusic (Brooklyn), RAM (Queens, NY), Kammerorchester Basel, Kremlin Chamber Orchestra, St. Petersburg Philharmonic, Czestochowa Philharmonic (Poland), Warsaw Opera, Brno Philharmonic (Czech Republic), Orquesta Sinfonica Nacional (Costa Rica), Koenig Ensemble of London, Korona Guitar Kvartet (Copenhagen), Zimbabwe Arts Festival and the Kuala Lumpur Symphonic Wind Ensemble. Schelle has received grants, awards and fellowships from many arts organizations including the Rockefeller Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, League of American Orchestras (NYC), National Band Association (2012 William D. Revelli Prize), American Pianists Association, Barlow Foundation, Welsh Arts Council (Cardiff), Chamber Music America (NYC), New York State Arts Council, New England Foundation for the Arts, Great Lakes Arts Alliance, Confucius Institute and the Pi Kappa Lambda National Board of Regents.  He has held extended residencies at dozens of prominent American universities and new music festivals, and at Spoleto USA, Wolf Trap (VA), the MacDowell Colony, and with universities and ensembles in Poland (Warsaw and Kraków), Japan (Tokyo, Nagoya, Hiroshima) and China (Ningbo, Hangzhou, Beijing). Schelle’s film music book, The Score (Silman-James Press, Los Angeles) has been translated into Korean and published in Seoul ( His music is published by European American Music, Editions Musica Ferrum (London), Keiser / Southern Music, Inc., and recorded on the Albany, Ravello, Innova, Ablaze and Harmonia Mundi labels. Schelle holds degrees from Trinity College of Music, London (diploma), Villanova University (BA Theatre), the Hartt School (CT) MM and a PhD from the University of Minnesota. His composition teachers have included Aaron Copland, Arnold Franchetti and Dominick Argento. Schelle is Artist in Residence at the Butler University School of Music in Indianapolis.

Marti Epstein

Marti Epstein is a Boston-based composer whose music has been performed by the San Francisco Symphony, The Radio Symphony Orchestra of Frankfurt, Ensemble Modern, Trinity Wall Street, and the Boston Symphony Chamber Players, She has completed commissions for the Fromm Foundation, The Munich Biennale, the Ludovico Ensemble, Guerilla Opera, the Radius Ensemble, Tanglewood Music Center, Winsor Music, Boston Opera Collaborative, Callithumpian Consort, Hinge, loadbang, and Collage New Music. Marti was a two-time fellow at the Tanglewood Music Center (1986 and 1988) and a three-time fellow at the MacDowell Colony (1998, 1999, 2022).

In 2020, Marti was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship to compose Seven Sisters, Radiant Sisters for the Hinge Ensemble, Alpenglow for loadbang, and In Praise of Broken Clocks for soundicon. Nebraska Impromptu, an album of Marti’s chamber music for clarinet, was just released this past April on New Focus Recordings and features clarinetist Rane Moore and members of WInsor Music.Marti is Professor of Composition at Berklee College of Music/Boston Conservatory of Music.


Douglas Boyce

Douglas Boyce's chamber music blends Medieval and Renaissance traditions with modernist aesthetics, featuring intricate rhythmic structures that vary between order, fragmentation, elegance, and intensity. His compositions are deeply rooted in historical and philosophical perspectives, resonating with disciplines like history, anthropology, literature, and philosophy. Critics have praised his music as "vastly stimulating on all levels, whether intellectual or emotional" (Colin Clarke, Fanfare), "seriously engaging and masterfully developed" (Allan J. Cronin, New Music Buff), and noted his "natural feel for dramatic, linear flow, and sense of daring and imagination" (Peter Burwasser, Fanfare). He has received prestigious awards including the League of Composers ISCM Composers Award (2005), Salvatore Martirano Prize (2006), Robert Avalon Prize (2010), and a Fromm Commission (2012). Boyce serves as Professor of Music at George Washington University. He earned his BA in Music and Physics from Williams College (1992), MM in Composition from the University of Oregon (1996), and PhD in Composition from the University of Pennsylvania (2000).

Elliott Miles McKinley

Elliott Miles McKinley has had music performed in the United States, Canada, and Europe. Commissions include those from the Pittsburgh New Music Ensemble, the Czech Philharmonic Chamber Music Society, the SOLI Chamber Music Ensemble, the Martinů String Quartet, and the Janaček Trio. The Minnesota Orchestra, the Warsaw Philharmonic, and the Czech Radio Symphony have performed his orchestral music, and his works have been featured on many international festivals. He is the recipient of a number of awards, grants, and fellowships including those from BMI, ASCAP, SCI, Meet the Composer, the American Music Center, the American Composers Forum, and Indiana University, the Bogliasco Foundation, and the MacDowell Colony. McKinley earned degrees from the New England Conservatory of Music, University of Michigan, and University of Minnesota. He has taught at Indiana University, the University of Tennessee, Washington and Lee University, and is currently Professor of Music Composition, Theory, and Technology at Roger Williams University.

Anthony Joseph Lanman

Anthony Joseph Lanman is an active composer, performer, teacher, and advocate for new classical music. Embracing influences from progressive rock to jazz and new classical, he writes for ensembles worldwide. His mentors include P.Q. Phan, Don Freund, Sven-David Sandstrom, Marc Mellits, and Adam Holzman at the University of Texas. He later studied renaissance lute and theorbo with Nigel North at Indiana University. Anthony performed with various ensembles including the University of Texas and Indiana University New Music Ensembles. His advocacy includes hosting a contemporary classical music radio show, promoting composers on, and producing music-centric podcasts. He shares contemporary classical music with over 400,000 followers on Soundcloud. Anthony holds a BM from the University of Texas and MM/DM from Indiana University. He resides in Bloomington, IN with his wife Jenna and their cats Silas, Bod, and Hildy.